
Transformation Essentials: Important pillars for a transformation

Exercising regularly would help with muscular development, bone and joint health, cardiovascular health, lymphatic health and even mental health.

It starts with 

1. Mindset: When we talk about any health or fitness transformation, setting our mind right is a must because a transformation is something that cannot be ‘bought’ or ‘gifted’, it has to be earned. One has to work hard for it over time by working on the lifestyle factors discussed below.Along with the will to work hard, patience and consistency are important too. 

2. Nutrition: You cannot out train a ‘bad diet’. For example: You workout for an hour and burn 500 calories. You get back home and have two pieces of sweets and Boom. You ate back those calories in literally 2 minutes (vs 60 minutes of hard work). That’s why dialing in nutrition is important.All macronutrients (Protein, Carbs and Fats) have their own place – while proteins and fats are essential for us, carbs are the body’s preferred source of energy.Also, adequate micronutrients would ensure optimal health, energy levels, skin, hair and potentially hormonal health too.Having enough protein and micronutrient rich foods such as fruits and vegetables would be a great starting point for most.

3. Exercising Regularly: It’s much more than burning calories. Exercising regularly would help with muscular development, bone and joint health, cardiovascular health, lymphatic health and even mental health. Any form of working out is fine as long as one enjoys it, stays consistent with it and is safe for them.From weight training to yoga, each way of working out has its own pros. 

4. NEAT: It’s Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis which includes all activities apart from exercising and sleeping. So, it includes our daily chores, walks, gardening, cooking etc etc and it makes a huge chunk of total calories burnt throughout the day (which can have a significant effect on your transformation process over time).Aiming to walk 10k steps daily is a great way of getting NEAT up. 

5. Hydration: Ample water intake is a must. 50-70% of our body is made up of water. 93% of our blood is Made up of water and dehydration can potentially distress our digestive processes, organ health, energy levels and even cognitive function hence adequate water intake is a must.Along with that, having enough sodium and potassium levels would also be important for optimal hydration.Aiming to have 3-4L of water daily depending upon bodyweight, activity, sweat, temperature etc. is a great starting point for most.

6. Adequate Sleep: Often undermined and very important.Sleep plays a HUGE role in physical and mental health. Chronic Sleep deprivation can lead to: Brain Fogging and compromised brain function 

* Inflammation/Delayed 'healing and recovery'. 

* Dysregulated blood sugar markers.

* High Stress Levels (and you know what chronic stress has potential of) 

* Adenosine buildup during the day. 

Moreover, if we don’t sleep enough, Ghrelin Goes UP (the ‘hunger’ hormone)
 and Leptin goes down (the ‘satiety’ hormone) Aiming for 7:30 - 9:00 Hours of quality sleep every night should be a goal for most of us. 

7. Stress Management: Stress is a part and parcel of our lifestyles and stressors vary from person to person. If chronic and unmanaged, it can lead to be compromised 

* Hormonal health(through pregnenolone 'steal') 

* Energy Production 

* Dysregulated Thyroid function 

* Blood glucose dysregulation

 * Blood Pressure related issues 

* Menstrual dysregulation : PCOD/PCOS (females)

8. Accountability: All of the above interventions can be overwhelming for some of us. Having an accountability buddy or a good coach or mentor can make the transformation process smoother by setting a goal, tracking it and providing guidance when it comes to nutrition planning, training and even lifestyle management.
A good coach can also ensure that the whole process is educative,sustainable and enjoyable. — The best part is, All of these can be improved with very simple and basic interventions and improvements in all of these can go hand in hand and game changers when we talk about the way we feel and look. Remember, always look at the transformation process as Long term lifestyle change not a ‘short term plan’.

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fitness Yash Vardhan Swami


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