
360-degree Approach To Wellbeing

A well-rounded approach to wellbeing touches every aspect of a person’s life.

Until recently, people’s relationship with wellbeing was occasional and often perceived as a luxury rather than a necessity. However, in recent times, an individual’s wellbeing is taking on an increasingly important role in assessing the quality of one’s life.

Wellbeing is just not about being physically fit and free from illnesses and diseases. It has a more profound meaning, one in which individuals require investment into specific methodologies of supportive techniques to balance their nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, continued learning and self-care. This, in turn, enables one overtime to attain a state of wellness in mind, body, emotion and soul.

Everyone has to understand that there are many factors that affect a person’s overall wellbeing, meaning that one must take effective measures to ensure that they take care of themselves when it comes to both physical elements of one’s lives, such as food, water, air, sleep & movement and non-physical elements, such as mindsets, relationships, careers, spirituality and purpose.

A 360-degree approach to wellbeing helps both the physical and non-physical areas connect, allowing them to impact and influence one another, and, thus, create wellbeing that takes into consideration all aspects of life. Maintaining this balance of mind, body, emotion and soul will help one in their pursuit of all-around wellbeing.

There is no set formula to find a 360-degree approach to Wellbeing, what works for one person may not work for another. Hence, it is important to not be bound by strict regimes and rules. Each individual is on a personal journey with different passions, objectives, and demands, therefore, it is imperative to make choices that one enjoys and choices that are sustainable in the long run.

What needs to be considered is the many physical, emotional, social, spiritual and mental factors that one must focus on to maintaining a 360-degree approach to wellbeing:

From a physical aspect – get some sun on a daily basis, pick an exercise regime that is enjoyable which in turn offers consistency, get at least 7/8 hours of sleep every night, eat clean and choose a diet that is rich in nutrients and will support one’s wellbeing goals.

From an emotional aspect – write a journal to record thoughts and feelings, cultivate kindness, practice forgiveness, mindfulness and stress reduction habits such as meditation. Remember that it is healthy to be vulnerable and completely fine to express one’s emotions and lastly seek help from a therapist when needed.

From a social aspect – make in-person time with family and friends, nourish relationships because it always pays to have a supportive network of people. Join groups and communities of interest, and also set boundaries with family and friends to better manage communication and conflicts.

From a spiritual aspect – spend time practicing a religion or faith, carry out introspection to connect with one’s inner self that makes one understand the purpose of life, volunteer for a humanitarian or veterinarian initiative and choose to take a nature walk or travel alone.

From a mental aspect which mainly refers to the cognitive abilities of an individual’s brain functions. Seek out learning opportunities both at the workplace and home, learn a new skill or continue to up knowledge in one’s line of work, also consume food that is high in antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids which support mental health.

Start by making healthy changes in life and over a period of time these changes are bound to impact life in the most beneficial of ways. Tasks that are set should be seen as an opportunity to learn, grow, heal and inspire one another. Practising a 360-degree approach to wellbeing is by enjoying and appreciating the little and not so little moments with equal enthusiasm.


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